The precision in the diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases can be optimized by using magnification equipment (microscope), as in other medical fields such as ophthalmology, ENT, and surgery.

When is a microscope used for dental treatment?

The use of a microscope is essential in modern dental medicine, particularly in endodontic treatment (also known as root canal treatment), where the percentage of successful outcomes significantly increases.

Due to all these advantages of magnification equipment, at Noradent, we work with one of the most established and proven microscopes in the optical industry – Carl Zeiss.

The magnification is used in many dental procedures. In addition to root canal treatment, it is applied to detecting cracks and fractures in hard dental tissues, performing precise tooth preparation (shaping), and more.

The model we chose to practice with at Noradent is the OPMI pico by Carl Zeiss. This microscope contains all the necessary features for diagnosis and treatment.

The operative dental microscope allows the Noradent team to perform their work not only more accurately but also with higher quality. The use of a microscope in endodontic treatment may take some minutes or hours, but it is an indispensable method that leads to successful dental treatment.

What does root canal treatment actually involve?

It involves the treatment of both the crown pulp and the root pulp of the tooth. The tooth is anaesthetised (numbed). Then, the pulp chamber and root canals are mechanically and chemically cleaned. The anatomy and number of canals vary for each tooth. Mechanical treatment involves using endo files (manual and mechanical instrumentation). Chemical cleaning consists of using different chemical agents. Afterwards, the root canals are filled using a warm condensation technique and biocompatible pastes. Then a direct composite filling, an indirect restoration (inlay/onlay/overlay) or a crown is placed.

In which cases is the use of a microscope necessary in endodontics?

  • Diagnosis of perforation of the walls of the root canal and the floor of the pulp chamber.
  • Incorrect pathway of the root canal (via falsa).
  • Penetration of a root canal filled with insoluble filling paste.
  • Closure of perforations.
  • Root canal filling using the warm condensation method (B&L system).
  • Filling with MTA (Mineral Trioxide Aggregate).
  • Bypassing a broken instrument.
  • Removal of a broken instrument.
  • Detection of additional anatomy (additional root canal).
  • Partial pulpectomy.
  • Biological treatment – direct and indirect covering.
  • Removal of dentin.
  • Creating a glide path through an obliterated root canal (calcified).
  • Trauma.

Complications resulting from untreated tooth decay:

  • Pulp inflammation (Pulpitis).
  • Periapical inflammation (Periodontitis).

These are the so-called inflammatory conditions of the dental pulp and periodontium. They can be acute or chronic (without symptoms), and both of them require timely treatment. Often, they are discovered accidentally during a radiographic examination.

Microscope-assisted treatment is performed over several visits, depending on the complexity of the case. Isolation with a rubber dam is always used, which provides better visibility and prevents saliva and gingival crevicular fluid from entering the operative field. The dental dam eliminates the risk of strong solutions being sucked into the oral cavity during canal irrigation. If the tooth is extensively damaged, a build-up is performed to restore the missing walls using a light-cured composite. This is necessary to facilitate isolation and improve access to the operative field. At each visit, the patient’s tooth is temporarily sealed until the next appointment. This ensures that the patient experiences minimal discomfort during the entire microscope-assisted root canal treatment.

Why should you trust us?

At Noradent, we strive to provide our patients with the most accurate and precise dental treatment. This is achieved through a two-way relationship between our team and the patient, with a customised approach and a carefully prepared treatment plan.

Dental Studio Noradent - City Center, Sofia, Bulgaria

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